Everyone is talking abo ut New Year Resolution.I am also planning to have one proper mind map but I am not perfect. I am a human being and of course nothing can be followed 100% Sometimes I will rise while other times I may fall but whenever I feel demotivated or want to reset myself; I can come back here and see what I intended to work on. This list might not be perfect. Everyone has his/her own way to spend life and different circumstances (lol my son woke up while I was typing these lines so had to leave my post in between ... see... no perfect pre planning) This post is just to share my idea with you all... you might be more perfect or imperfectly prefect... YOU KNOW IF YOU KNOW...hehe #newyearresolution #2022 #braindump #imperfectlife #lifemanagement #momblogger #urdumom #pakistaniblogger
An Imperfect Desi Pakistani Mom