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Showing posts from May, 2014

Aim of Life?

I realize I am so late to coming back to blog, but this is what irritated me whole year, I was having postpartum depression, re organizing home after 2.5 year of pregnancy and being a new mom break, some health issues and what irritated me the most was...I was thinking a lot about my aim of life... I was giving no time to Quran, not reading Islamic stuff, whatever I learned from the Tafseer course before marriage, I was forgetting all. I heard lot of deaths (wont call sudden as death is always a sudden happening, it doesn't warn us before coming). I had this fear (thanks to postpartum depression too) that what if I am also going to die right away and am not regular in prayers, out of touch with Allah and His Religion, just spending days like an animal (no aim...spending days like a machine...) I was  fearful, I was having bad panic attacks, so first thing I tried was sharing my feelings with a friend who herself got panic attacks, she was helping me a lot, but the REAL CHANGE ...